On Tuesday we had The Money Man (Marlon) from the ASB visit us. Much to the children's delight Marlon soon turned into Captain Cash. As well as talking about notes, coins etc Captain Cash gave them a very good message on saving. Captain Cash was full of enthusiasm which immediatly rubbed off on the children. They listened carefully, answered questions confidently and concentrated fully for the full 45 minutes.
The next morning a parcel arrived. The children had no idea what it was but after several guesses we decided to try and put it together. Some of the children persevered longer than others with Samuel lasting the distance, and he and Miss Robertson completed the task quite quickly.
What was it - perfect timing - a shop and a chance to practise money! This week we will price the goods and begin shopping with the purses and shopping bags we now have.

From this
to this - a great effort.
What fun we will have with our shop which came with fruit, a cash register and scanner and scales. Hopefully lots of learning about money, weighing and collaborating will be evident.
On Friday morning it was the Fathers Day Breakfast. The PTA had done a wonderful job and the hall was buzzing with excited children enjoying an early morning breakfast with fathers, grandfathers, uncles or a special friend. One Room 12 child said "this is amazing. Its like a party!"
Thank you all for your donation to the Cancer Society - the school wide collection was very successful.