Sunday, 25 November 2018

Week 6 Term 4

The Giant Walk on Monday was a huge success.
Room 12 walked with Year 6 buddies from Room 12
and really enjoyed the experience. At times we don't give
credit for just how capable they are. They were all very capable
 of walking that distance and many have talked, during the week about their buddies.

We've made it - a rest before heading back.

This week in Science we made jelly  The children are gaining a good 
understanding of reactions as they observed the chrystals turning to a liquid when warm water
 was added and the the liquid turning to a solid
 when put in the fridge.

Stirring the jelly. The children took turns to make sure the crystals
were completely dissolved.

Great excitement when they discovered the jelly had set mostly I suspect
 because they could now eat it.

     Yum! Yum! Delicious!

  The hail caused great excitement.


On Friday we had the privilege of watching our Kapa Haka and Pacifica groups at the end of year Cultural Assembly. There was also singing, dancing and a pianist. Wonderful talent with in Sunnyhills.

Next week in the Koru Assembly Room 12 will be singing and you are invited to attend.
On Friday 14th Dec we will be having our Koru Christmas Celebration Assembly. Each class will present a Christmas Song and special awards will be announced. You are very welcome to attend and enjoy some fun Christmas music. 

Sunday, 18 November 2018

Week 5 Term 4

It was an exciting day when we finally harvested our vegetables. Everyone had a turn of picking either silverbeet, broccoli or celery.
We then went to the hall kitchen where we cut. broke the eggs and stirred the ingredients for our fritata 

While the fritata was cooking the children sampled the broccoli and celery with either peanut butter or celery.

Ready to eat!! Everyone tried the fritata with most asking "is there any more"
Very impressive to seeing them happily eat both raw and cooked  vegetables. 
Later tis week there will be a book in the classroom showing our journey from planting to eating.

This week we have been talking about teamwork and fair play while working in groups.

Our science experiment this week showed another reaction.
We mixed skittles with warm water and eventually the skittles were white and the plate was very colourful.

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Week 4 Term 4

  On Tuesday we had fun with a science experiment which to the children's delight caused a reaction

Waiting patiently with Room 13 to begin the experiment.

We put milk in the trays then added red, blue, red and green food colouring.

Lastly dish washing liquid was added.

The reaction started to occur as  soon as the liquid
was added and continued for some time. Each tray
produced different colouring.

The children did a great job in writing up the
experiment in their Topic Books.

Next week there will be another experiment to
enjoy and learn from.

The children were keen to visit our garden this week
 and were very excited to see we had heads on two
of our broccoli plants. All the vegetables we planted
 are doing well and almost ready for harvesting.....

But oh dear what bugs are eating the broccoli leaves?
Next week we will endeavor to find out!

Sunday, 4 November 2018

Week 3 Term 4

On Wednesday we were lucky with the weather
as we had our first athletic afternoon. The
children practised running, throwing and jumping
both high jump and long jump ready for Athletic
Sports on Tues 27th November.

Waiting patiently for our turn at the
 Poetry Festival.

Proudly saying Rooster's Cold in loud, clear voices

Indi holding the certificate Mrs Driver presented to room 12
for doing such a great performance.

Last week the children painted the background for a new
 art piece and this week they began the sunflowers which
they had previously sketched. They learned appropriate
 painting techniques asn they produces wonderful sunflowers.
Next week the paintings will be completed ready to display.