We were very disappointed to have to cancel our Y0-2 Athletic Sports on Tuesday but as soon as the decision was made Miss Fullard was busy organising 'Fun in the Hall for Rooms 21,12 and 13.
The children loved the activities that were set up and joined in them with great enthusiasm The Y2 buddies were a great help. Thank you Miss Fullard and Room 21.

We had moonhoppers - some were expert hoppers!

Egg and Spoon races

Throwing the javelin was popular ...
and we finished off with running races.

Ready, set, go

Here they come!
Unfortunately the boys ran so fast the photos were very blurry.

Time to prepare for our Christmas celebrations on Tuesday.
Waiting our turn - no costumes as it is to be a surprise.

Finding the correct place for everyone.
The practice went really well.

There are lots of fun Christmas activities planned for next week in Room 12 some of which are a secret!
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